Tuesday, April 08, 2025

1:45-3:00 p.m

22-E. Unlocking Doors to Become a Dementia-Inclusive Community

Sherbrooke Community Centre in Saskatchewan, Canada, is committed to fostering a residential environment that enables each resident to live a full and abundant life. Ten years ago, the organization’s commitment to culture change prompted Sherbrooke’s leaders to question its practice of segregating people living with dementia in locked memory care neighborhoods and houses. It then began unlocking several memory care areas and integrating their residents into the community's life. Join Sherbrooke CEO Kim Schmidt as she discusses the leadership decisions that led Sherbrooke to transform its approach to supporting people living with dementia and the progress it is making. Schmidt will explore the philosophical underpinnings, practical steps, and challenges involved in creating environments where individuals of diverse cognitive abilities live together.

  • Kim Schmidt, CEO, Sherbrooke Community Centre