Tuesday, April 08, 2025
11:00 a.m-12:15 p.m
21-D. Double Duty: Advancing Policy Goals through Media Engagement
The media can be a powerful force in shaping the opinions of the various audiences that providers of aging services seek to influence. Most providers focus their media-relations efforts on reaching consumers and potential employees. Yet, successful outreach to a third audience—elected officials—can yield numerous benefits for providers and the individuals they serve. This session will help you leverage public relations tactics to garner press coverage of policy issues, promote potential solutions, and attract the attention of policymakers who can implement those solutions. This type of media outreach requires a special touch, so you’ll want to take notes as session presenters reveal their strategies for making media activities serve ”double duty” by elevating your brand while advancing your policy goals.
- Lisa Sanders, Vice President, Communications and Media Relations, LeadingAge
- Linda Couch, Senior Vice President of Policy and Advocacy, LeadingAge