Tuesday, April 08, 2025

1:45-3:00 p.m

24-E. Can Registered Apprenticeships Bolster the CNA Workforce?

Registered apprenticeship programs can now access federal or state funding and resources to help healthcare providers recruit and retain a qualified workforce. Yet, nursing homes and other aging services organizations have struggled to get in on the action. This could change, thanks to the federally funded Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program (GWEP), which is helping providers establish new registered apprenticeships for direct care professionals nationwide. This session will describe how registered apprenticeships work and the national standards and best practices that could help them grow. A GWEP participant will discuss their organization’s plans to develop a registered apprenticeship for certified nursing assistants (CNA). Explore how registered apprenticeships have become a national model, their track record in nursing homes, and the challenges and opportunities they pose to providers of aging services.

  • Robyn Stone, SVP, Research/Co-Director, LTSS Center, LeadingAge
  • Alice Bonner, Senior Advisor for Aging, Institute For Healthcare Improvement (IHI)
  • Molly Carpenter, Director, Workforce Strategy and Development, LeadingAge