Tuesday, April 08, 2025
3:30-4:45 p.m
27-F. Make Sure Your Next Project Resonates with Consumers
Nonprofit providers often face criticism for lagging behind their for-profit counterparts in developing new residential offerings. Fortunately, there is much to celebrate in our sector, considering recent and notable market-rate communities that nonprofit providers have brought to the market. These communities have resonated with consumers and achieved impressive occupancy rates. This session will showcase a diverse group of providers whose new offerings have captivated older consumers in their respective markets. Discover the unique programs and features of these campuses and the common elements they share. You’ll return home more confident about advancing projects under development or in your pipeline, whether designed to introduce new, repositioned, or expanded campuses to your market.
- Vassar Byrd, President and CEO, The Kendal Corporation
- Todd Shaw, Vice President of Development, LCS
- Timothy Mallad, CEO, Forefront Living